4 Mistakes to Avoid While Creating an Mobile app

Mobile apps are becoming exceedingly popular with the increase in the number of smart phone users. However, not all apps appeal to users, and sooner or later they uninstall the same, due to various reasons. Therefore, one needs to be very cautious about a few things Best mobile application development company.

common mistakes mobile design

Some of the common mistakes committed in this aspect are:

1. Having too many features

The whole idea of having a mobile app with a simple interface would be defeated if one puts too many features or options on the screen. The presence of too many features comes in the way of seamless navigation, and in turn, also impacts user experience. While some companies insist on including numerous features and functionalities for a high PPI, however, in reality, it does not make interaction any easier.  

2. Having the same style for all Operating Systems

The same mobile app design for all operating systems is a big NO! It annoys the users who are familiarized with the features and style of a particular OS. Therefore, one must be very careful in observing the navigation style and the layout of a particular OS while creating an app.

3. Not considering the needs of the end user

What most businesses miss out on, is taking into consideration the width of the finger of any average user. Index fingers are around 1.6 cm to 2 cm wide, and hence, the buttons must be large enough for the users to access with ease. Smaller buttons might create problems like selecting unwanted features or pressing several buttons at one go, thereby causing the user to feel irritated and frustrated. For more tips in this domain, one may get in touch with a reputed app designing company.

4. Developing for multiple platforms simultaneously

With more than 1 million apps on the major platforms, one is always under constant competition. Nevertheless, it is prudent to avoid multiplying designing expenses, by concentrating on only one platform first.

A good developer would always run tests on the app before actually releasing it officially. This wipes out the problems of freezing and detection of bugs. Moreover, people spend more time using mobile apps than browsing on a desktop, so it is very important that no such inaccuracy pops up. One may contact Etoile Info Solutions, one of the best mobile app development company for valuable insights & assistance on this subject.

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